We have chosen to resolutely pursue policies aimed at saving to favor a lower environmental impact. Not only that, the direction for the next few years is to put zero impact packaging on the market.
The vision we have is revolutionary: from a single-use company to become a reality that decisively focuses on multi-use. We have also adopted the Charter of principles for environmental sustainability of "Confindustria for sustainability".
Ours is a real business plan for sustainability:
> Photovoltaic panels to be almost totally self-sufficient from an energy point of view and to reduce emissions, with significant savings. Every KWh saved by our company is a KWh saved by the community, or CO2 not emitted. CO2 is a product of the combustion process of petroleum used in power plants. By reducing the KW demand on the production system, it burns less fuel oil. Reduction that allows further savings: transport, waste and pollution. An excellent side effect.
> Separate collection aimed at obtaining 95% of the recovery from product waste.
> Internal production of the packaging.
> Careful selection of raw materials from companies that adopt ethical and sustainable behavior, favoring those that in turn implement an energy saving plan.
We are proud to contribute to a better quality of life and not to contribute to the harm of fauna and flora (local and global) with our work. Indeed, we are committed to protecting any living being, to live and coexist on this planet.
Via Alcide De Gasperi, 31
87018 San Marco Argentano (CS)
0984 522483 - 0984.522500